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  • 更新时间:2013-12-05
  • 论文字数:9426
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  • 课题来源:(莉雅)提供原创文章





Abstract: Considering the characteristics of aerobics, through the investigation and analysis of current situation of Aerobic Exercise Special Class of Physical Education Department of NanJing XiaoZhuang University, the essay analyzes the state-of-the-art of Aerobic Exercise Special Class of the college, which concludes reasons of students’ choices,status of hardware installation and the probe into teaching strategies. Additionally, according to the problems, some suggestions contribute to the development of Aerobic Exercise Special Class of the college are put.The thesis means to promote the development of Aerobic Exercise Special Class of our college for the purpose of improving students’ quality and training talents. At the same time, the paper also provides some new practical experiences.

Keyword: Aerobic Exercise Special Class, state-of-the-art, suggestion.


  健美操运动是一项融体操、舞蹈、音乐等多种元素为一体,集健身、娱乐、休闲、表演等功效于一身的综合性体育运动项目。随着时代的发展, 健美操运动逐步被大众所认识并日益受到关注与喜爱,与此同时学术界对于健美操的教学与理论研究也逐渐深入,取得了一定的成果,这进一步推动了国内健美操运动的发展。目前,在我国健美操已被列入学校体育教学大纲, 并成为我国高校体育教学的主要课程之一。健美操选项课作为我校体育教学课程的重要组成部分,长期以来一直深受同学们,尤其是广大女性同学的喜爱,因而在我校健美操选项课有着举足轻重的地位。