关键字:体质 中小学生 下降
Abstract:A constitution is acquired by innate genetic and formed in the form of human individuals, the structure and function activities inherent, relative stability characteristics, and psychological character relevance. Since the founding of several large-scale student physical health test, the result is not optimistic. The research results show that several Chinese primary and middle school students are on the constitution has been declining trend. Another year conducted a large-scale small and medium-sized student physical health test, the situation is still worrying. The results concentrated expression for physical decline, vital capacity reduces, obesity rate increases, speed and endurance decreases etc disharmonious phenomena. This year of primary and middle school students from nanjing see the physical test results of primary and middle school students, and nanjing in height, weight index, but growth speed, endurance, explosive force, flexibility, etc physical quality but declined, obesity rate increase
Key words: physique Primary and middle school students decline
越来越多的中小学生成了小胖墩,跑上几步便气喘吁吁。抵抗力和免疫力也逐年下降,经常感冒发烧流鼻涕。中国青少年的体质健康问题受到越来越多的关注。青少年是国家的未来, 身体是青少年全面发展的基础。青少年体质健康水平直接关系到国民素质的提高。面对这一实际问题, 笔者分析总结以往的研究成果,有针对性的对南京市部分中小学的在校学生进行了实地调查, 对导致中小学生体质下降的原因进行分析, 提出建议和改善措施, 旨在为改善当前中小学生体质状况提供参考。