关键词: 秘书; 心理障碍; 自我调适
Abstract: With the push of economic globalization and the rise of modern information industry, the secretary plays an indispensable role. Due to the nature of the secretarial work is special, making the jobs of secretary complicated and cumbersome, so secretary will become agitated and depressed that produce all kinds of psychological barriers. If we can't solve these psychological barriers in a timely and effective manner, it will seriously affect the enterprise operation, and do harm on the secretary's daily life.
This article obtains from the secretary for the necessity of psychological adjustment, analyzing of the impact of psychological discomfort for secretary everyday working life and combined with related theories, analyses the modern secretary to produce the manifestation of mental disorders is the deep reasons. Finally, form the causes of psychological problems and combined with some cases put forward the method to solve the secretary’s psychological barriers, to help the secretary realize self-worth effectively.
Keywords : Secretary; Mental disorders; Self adjustment