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关键词:不定积分; 定积分; 方法; 积分应用


Abstract:It is very important for this integral course in mathematics development status. Also can say that is following the Euclidean geometry, one of the largest in all of mathematics creation. Integral course consists of indefinite integral and definite integral, which is extremely important content in mathematics analysis. This paper thus summarizes related methods that request indefinite integral and definite integral, and simple list application of geometry or physics in real life. So that expands into the other comprehensive application of knowledge.

Keywords: indefinite integral; definite integral; Methods; Application


  本文主要概括和总结了求积分的多种方法: 第一换元法、第二换元法、上下一样宽,变成倒三角、三角函数代换法、倒代法、根式代换法、分部积分、分部积分法的推广公式、配“1”法、基本积分法、用半角公式、区间在现计算法、万能公式等。这些方法也可以结合使用,往往会使解题更简便,解题速度自然也就快了。本文选择了一些具有代表性、技巧性较强的例题,进行分析求解,展现积分求法的多样性,从实际例题出发,更好地掌握求积分的方法和技巧 。下面谈一谈对一元积分的具体认识。