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摘要: 泰勒公式是高等数学中的一个重要公式,不仅在理论上有重要的地位,而且在数学学科的各个分支如常微分方程、数值分析、最优化理论中都有广泛的应用。文章简要介绍了泰勒公式的含义及几个常见函数的泰勒展开式,然后研究了泰勒公式在求极限,证明不等式,求函数极值,判断级数的敛散性,进行近似计算,求行列式的值七个方面的应用。本文主要通过实例介绍泰勒公式的应用。

关键词: 泰勒公式;展开式;应用


Abstract: Taylor’s formula is a very important one in higher mathematics, not only theoretically has the important status, moreover in mathematics discipline each branch as usual differential equation, the numerical analysis, the optimized theory all is playing the vital role.Article briefly describes the meaning of Taylor formula and Taylor expansions of several common functions, and Taylor's formula applied in the limit, proof of inequality, demand function extremum , judge the number of poles of convergence and be approximately calculated, and seeking determinant of the value of seven.This article mainly talk about the application of Taylor's formula through specialize the typical example.

Key words: Taylor formula;  Series expansion;  Application

