[中文摘要] 《傲慢与偏见》是简•奥斯丁著名的喜剧作品,作品在主题的表现、情节的处理、人物的塑造中都融合了喜剧的反讽手法。作为世界少数女性作家之一,奥斯丁观察细致入微,她细腻丰富的文笔把人物刻画得惟妙惟肖,把情节描写得生动传神,让读者回味无穷,一读再读。小说经典的对话为我们创造了一个妙趣横生的喜剧世界,使《傲慢与偏见》的艺术魅力在历史的星空中更加璀璨夺目。次要人物更能展示《傲慢与偏见》人物塑造的技巧;次要人物的形象更能深刻揭露社会现实意义;次要人物的塑造技巧更能体现《傲慢与偏见》的艺术价值魅力。
[关键词] 次要人物 ;反讽艺术 ;喜剧色彩 ;矛盾 ;婚姻模式;
[Abstract] Pride and Prejudice was one of Jane Austen's famous comedies. Austen had applied the Comedy Irony method into the theme of performance, characterization, plot treatment, and even the whole idea of this work. In addition, she wrote the characters vividly and detailed with exquisitely carved. The whole novel is memorable. Jane Austen was good at shaping the characters. With her vivid dialogue and interesting plot description of the characters that created a fun-filled comedy world with the achievement of the enduring artistic charm of Pride and Prejudice. Throughout this article that researched by analysis of minor characters, and so as to explore a new era for a comprehensive understanding of the novel Pride and Prejudice.
[Key words] minor characters; irony; comedy; contradiction; marriage patterns;