摘要:20 世纪 90 年代以来,随着经济、社会快速发展,人们生活水平的持续改善,消费结构的不断优化,参与健身活动已渐成为人们较为普遍的行为,人们对体育专门人才的培养无论从数量上还是质量上都提出更高要求。国内一些体育院校也注意到这一变化,为满足社会的更高需求,开始调整专业设置,探索创办社会体育专业和培养社会体育人才的新路子。社会体育专业正是在这一背景下产生并得以迅速发展的。天津体育学院于 1993 年成立社会体育专业并招收该专业专科学生,1994 年升为本科学制。继天津体育学院之后,国内其他一些体育学院和部分普通高校体育院(系)相继筹办社会体育专业。1998年教育部将社会体育作为新增专业列入《普通高等学校本科专业目录》。社会体育是我国体育事业的重要组成部分,是群众体育的主体。建设、发展和繁荣社会体育事业是目前和今后我国体育事业的重要任务和奋斗目标。完成上述任务,实现既定目标都有赖于社会体育专门人才的支撑。社会体育专业是培养社会体育专门人才的专设专业,其发展水平与质量优劣将与我国社会体育事业兴衰成败息息相关。
关键词: 社会体育 发展 专业 需求
Abstract:Since the 20th century, 90 years, with the economic, social and rapid development people's living standards continued to improve, the continuous optimization of consumption structure, to participate in fitness activities has gradually become more widespread, people's physical training of special personnel in terms of quantity and quality have put forward higher requirements. Domestic institutions also noted that some sports this change, in order to meet the community's higher demand, began to adjust the professional setting, to explore creating a social sport of professional sports talents and develop new ways of society. Social Sports Specialty is in this context to generate and rapid development. Tianjin Institute of Physical Education was established in 1993 the community of professional sports professional and recruit the junior college students in1994, was promoted to undergraduate education system. Following the Tianjin Institute of Physical Education, the national Institute of Physical Education, and some other college sports institution (department) have organized the community of professional sports. In1998 the Ministry of Education will be included in the community of professional sports as a new "common institutions of higher learning undergraduate course catalog." Social sport is an important component of China's sports undertaking part of the main body of mass sports. Construction, development and prosperity of society and the future of sports is an important task of China's sports undertakings and goals. Completion of these tasks, achieve the set goals depends on a social sport expertise support. Social sports specialty is to train specialized personnel dedicated community of professional sports, their levels of development and quality of pros and cons will be the success or failure of our society are closely related to physical culture.
Key words: Social sports Development Professional Demand