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摘  要:踝关节损伤不仅对学生的生活和学习造成严重的影响,而且还会限制运动技术水平的发挥和提高,降低运动寿命,造成终身遗憾,并影响到以后生活和幸福。预防踝关节损伤可以提高运动员的运动水平,增加运动寿命,提高生活幸福度。本文采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法和观察法对XX学院篮球专项学生踝关节损伤进行调查分析得出如下结论:通过调查分析,XX学院篮球专项学生在篮球运动中,关节损伤主要以踝关节损伤居多;踝关节损伤多以外侧韧带受伤为主;准备活动不充分、篮球运动中技术动作不合理、不合理的运动量、落地后踩在别人脚上、场地条件、自身注意力不集中是导致踝关节损伤的原因。



ABSTRACT:Ankle injury can have serious impact on not only students’ study and life, but also in the aspect of sport technology. It may restrict the exertion and improvement of sport technology; reduce the sport lifetime and cause the lifelong regrets. All of these may influence the coming years and happiness. To prevent the ankle injury can enhance the sport level of athletes’, increase the sport longevity and improve the happiness of life. This paper adopts the methods of documents, questionnaire, mathematical statistics and observation to investigate and analyze the current situation of ankle injury in the elective class of basketball major, college of Physical Culture, Honghe University. Finally obtain the following conclusions.  At first, from the investigation and analysis we can see that basketball was loved by the majority of students in Honghe University.  And in the optional class of basketball major, ankle injury was the mainly injury of joints during the basketball sport. The ankle injured due to the overload of sport and unreasonable amount of exercises, etc. Secondly, ankle injury is caused by common factors and major reasons. The overload of sport and unreasonable amount of exercises and technical movement are the common factors. While the main reasons are the insufficiency of preparation before playing basketball; the poor condition of basketball court and so on. Lateral ligament injury was the main injury of ankle and players’ own inattention or absent-minded is a significant factor of ankle injury. Besides, to avoid over fatigue during playing basketball is a good way to prevent them from ankle injury.

Keywords: ankle; injury; investigate and analyze