关键字:卡通造型 日用器皿 设计元素 设计要素
Abstract:"cartoon" image of part of the animation, is both a highly symbolic language of form features, but also a kind of emotional and aesthetic characteristics of the art symbol, even more is a special kind of cultural symbols. Cartoon design in modern design value is increasing.
In this paper, part of the animation industry chain - product design starting in the cartoon design to cartoon characters as the product of design elements, the use of industrial design thinking and methods of design of these elements in the basic method of application. Articles from both academia and industry to describe the cartoon characters and product integration of applications artefacts Research; through the artefacts of cartoon characters and some formed between the four design elements: form. color . function. materials, processes and technologies, analysis of cartoon characters and artefacts in the evolution of converged applications; summed. conclude cartoon in product design and development trend of law, and in this study formed the basis of the views of the back .
Keywords: cartoon artefacts design elements design elements