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[摘要]2011年湖南卫视相继推出的首部清穿剧《宫》及其后推出的《步步惊心》更是誓将“穿越”进行到底,让观众大饱穿越之瘾的同时获得了红火的收视率,让受众沉浸在一波又一波的穿越思潮里。与其他电视剧题材不同的是,其广泛兴起已经变成一种社会现象,不但适应了受众的心理需求,而且其独特的题材、壮丽的古代场景也让人耳目一新。创造了又一个中国电视史上的一个收视率神话。而这一现象引起了社会各界的强烈反响也引起了学术界的热烈探讨。本文以《宫》、《步步惊心》为主要案例, 结合新闻传播学理论,分析清穿剧“宏大或轻松搞笑的主题 + 电影般的大场面 + 明星聚集的豪华阵容 + 狂轰滥炸式的发行播放”的传播现状以及清穿剧的仿象、超现实、文化再循环、媚俗等传播特征。

关键词: 宫  步步惊心  清穿剧  分析  传播特征


Abstract:Hunan TV in 2011launched the first clear through the drama" Palace" and after the launch 

of the" startling step by step" is to" through " to the end, let the audience through the addiction at the same time to obtain a good audience ratings, immersed in another crossing of thoughts. And other TV drama theme is different, its extensive and arisen has become a kind of social phenomenon, not only to meet the psychological needs of the audience, but also its unique subject, magnificent ancient scene also lets a person find everything fresh and new. Create another Chinese television history a ratings myth. This phenomenon has caused the intense echo of social all circles also caused academia discusses ardently. According to the" Palace"," startling step by step" as the main case, combined with Journalism and communication theory, analysis of clear through the drama" grand or relaxed funny theme + cinematic scenes + stars gathered the luxury lineup + bomb savagely type broadcast of the issue " transmission status and clear through the drama of the simulacra, surreal, culture recirculation, kitsch, propagation characteristics.

Key words:palace; startling step by step; the traversing drama; analysis; propagation characteristics