Abstract:Punitive damages system is one kind of civil compersation for damages in the common laws,it’s also one ofcontroversial legal system in the common laws. In 1993,china enacted the Consumer Protection Law,For the first time in the form of a special law to determine the punitive damages.In 2003,china issued the Interpretation of the Supreme People’s Court onthe Relevant Issues concerning the Application of Law for Trying Cases on Dispute over Contract for the Sale of Commodity Houses.In this law,article8、9 provided that it should be given punitive damages in case of dolus malus or default.What’s more, Food Safety Law also dealed with punitive damages,which was enacted in 2009.On December 26th, 2009. by the Tort Liability Law,it provided a clear legal provisions to punitive damages. However,all of these laws have many things Less than satisfactory,they are still exit many limitations.This paper describes the need of establishing the system of punitive damages,and provides some suggetions for its more satisfactory, in order to protect people’s legal interests more effectively,And to promote the integrity of our legal system.
Key words:Punitive Damages System; Compensation for Damages; Infringement Act