摘要:汽车,自第二次工业革命问世以来,给人类的生活带来了巨大的福音,但滚滚的车轮在带着我们一路飞奔前进时,也带走了很多生命,交通肇事逃逸更是给社会发展带来严重的负面影响。 我国《刑法》对交通肇事后逃逸有明确规定,学界关于交通肇事逃逸的认定、行为人的主观罪过形式以及交通肇事与不作为犯罪的关系也有深入的研究与探讨,但是在若干问题上存在多种分歧。本文将主要从理论上探讨交通肇事逃逸能否构成不作为的故意犯罪以及在实践中该如何对这种行为定罪量刑。笔者对交通肇事逃逸构成不作为犯罪应当根据行为人的主观罪过进行判断,对逃逸人主观心理的把握是认定逃逸构成不作为犯罪的关键。
关键词:交通肇事 逃逸 主观罪过 不作为犯罪
Abstract:The car was invented during the second industrial revolution,which brought people so much convenices to their daily life and promoted the development of economic. However ,what comes with the advantage is the lost of more and more people’s lives because of the traffic accidents .What was worse ,some people run away after they hit other people.This makes the injured out of the rescue in time .It is realy a serious and negative impact to the socity.Lucily, ther are clear provisions of this behave in China’s "Criminal Law" .At the same time,there are different views in the academic annual about weather the escape is the omission crime . The artiele attempts to analysis the behavior of traffic accident escape from the subjective elements of a crime,which can properly solution each kind of dispute of the behavior of traffic accident in the judicial practice, to the effective containment the event of traffic accident escape happend.
Key words: traffic accident;escape;subjective elements of a crime; omission crime