关键词: 《鹿特丹规则》 托运人义务 完善
Abstract: The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Carriage of Goods Wholly or Partly by Sea, which is admitted by the United Nations conference on December eleventh, 2008, will have great influence on the practice of international trade, transportation, legislation etc, after it takes effect. As a new milestone in the field of international law of carriage of goods by see, it has been paid highly attention by scholars from home and abroad and relative departments of many countries.This article which bases on the Rotterdam Rules has done some researches from the views of the shippers. For one thing is because of many innovative practices of the Rotterdam Rules; the other thing is that people in this field have done more researches in the view of carrier than the shipper. However, in nowadays` international ship trade the shipper is playing a more and more important role and calling us to explore.This article not only give the concept of the shipper, but also its obligations according to the contract of law of carriage of goods by see and comparisons to the past laws. It analyzed the legislation purpose and performance of the shipper’s obligations which the Rotterdam Rules stresses on. Moreover, it makes some suggestions to improve the shipper parts of the Chinese Maritime Code after doing some researches about the existing situation of sea trade of our country.
Key words: The Rotterdam Rules the shipper’s duties perfection