摘要:十年磨一剑,各界期盼已久的中国创业板在2009年10月30 日正式推出,首批28只股票同时挂牌交易,一经上市便引起广泛关注。我国创业板的推出为创业企业、新技术企业、具有成长潜力的中小企业拓宽了融资渠道,为创业投资和私募基金提供了退出机制和渠道,以利于我国多层次资本市场的形成,这在很大程度上健全了我国资本市场的发展形式,为国民经济发展提供服务。
关键词:创业板 首批上市公司 财务分析
Abstract:Grinding sword decades, all the long-awaited Chinese GEM launched in 30 October 2009. The first batch of 28 stocks traded at the same time and aroused wide concern. The launch of the GEM has broadened the financing channels for start-ups, new technology enterprises and SME with growth potential, provided exit mechanisms and channels for venture capital and private equity. It will be beneficial for the the formation of the multi-level capital market , and largely improve the form of capital market development in China. In short, it can provide services for the development of our national economy.
This paper will first start with the first listed GEM companies, then contrast the financial data before and after listing from different industries, and finally see the advantage to Chinese GEM companies.
Keywords : GEM The First Listed Company Financial Analysis