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摘要:南海是我国神圣不可分割的领土,国际上一般把它称为南中国海。但从20世纪 70 年代开始,东南亚各国纷纷抢占南海岛屿。南海争端由来已久,现已发展成为全世界情况最为复杂的、涉及国家最多的海洋权益争端之一。菲律宾是东南亚国家中最早对南海提出“主权”要求的,是占领南海岛屿第二多的国家。菲律宾共侵占南中国海10个岛礁,将40多万平方公里海域划为其领海。菲律宾的行为侵犯了我国领土和主权完整乃至威胁了我国的国防安全、制约了我国经济增长、增加了中国解决南海争端的难度。解决中菲南海争端可能有助于解决整个南海争端,特别是在当前错综复杂的形势下快速解决整个南海争端无法实现的情况下,如果能将解决中国与菲律宾南海问题当作一个突破口,从外交、经济、政治、军事等方面努力,尽可能不用武力去解决中菲之间的争端,受“多米诺骨牌”效应的影响,可能与其他相关国家的争端也会相对容易解决。



ABSTRACT: The south China sea is an inalienable part of sacred in our country, the international general called it on the south China sea. But starting in the 1970 s, southeast Asian countries have preempted the south China sea islands. The south China sea dispute has a long history, already developed now become the world's most complex, involving countries one of the most populous maritime rights disputes. The Philippines is the earliest in southeast Asian countries on the proposed "sovereignty" of the south China sea, is the second more countries occupy the south China sea islands. A total of 10 encroach on the south China sea reef in the Philippines, will be more than 40 square kilometers area is divided into its territorial waters. Philippines behavior violated China's territorial and sovereign integrity and even threatened China's national defense security, restricted the our country economic growth, increased the difficulty of resolving the south China sea dispute in China. Solution in the Philippines in the south China sea dispute may help solve the entire south China sea disputes, especially in the current complicated situation, to quickly solve the entire south China sea dispute can not be achieved, if can solve the problem of China and the Philippines in the south China sea as a breakthrough point, from the diplomatic, economic, political, military, etc., as far as possible need not force to resolve disputes between China and the Philippines, under the influence of "domino effect", the dispute may be associated with other countries will also be relatively easy to solve.

Keywords: China Philippines;South China Sea disputes; reasons ;influence ;Countermeasures