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Abstract:The influences of solvent to material ratio, enzyme concentration and enzymolysis temperature on the yield of the polysaccharide from pleurotus nebrodensis with the cellulase-assisted extraction technique were studied according to the Box-Behnken experimental design based on the single factor experiments. One mathematical model established and analyzed by response surface methodology was adequate to describe the relationships between the studied factors and the response of the polysaccharide extraction yield. Based on the canonical analysis, the optimum extraction conditions were obtained as follows: solvent to material ratio 11.4mL/g, enzyme concentration 0.43% and enzymolysis temperature 45.4℃. Under the optimized extraction conditions, it can be included that the extraction yield is 5.33%, which is close to the estimated value 5.28% attained by using regression model. This model can be used to predict the experiment results well. The best recipe of compound beverage of pleurotus nebrodensis and aloe was volume of pleurotus nebrodensis to volume of aloe 1:2, mass of mixed liquor to mass of total beverage 1:10, sucrose amount 10% and citric acid amount 0.12%.

Keywords: Pleurotus Nebrodensis; Aloe; Polysaccharides; Compound health beverage