Abstract: Mesoporous CeO2 and Ce1-xPrxO2 powders with highly active were synthesized via a evaporation-induced self assembly(EISA) method with cerium acetate hydrate (Ce(CH3CO2)3) and praseodymium acetate hydrate (Pr(CH3CO2)3) as starting materials and triblock copolymer P123 as templates. XRD, EDS, FT-IR, TEM and BJH techniques were used to analyze and characterize the samples. And studied on the catalytic degradation of dyeing wastewater with powders, then discussed the impact of organic wastewater degradation rate factors.
The results showed that mesoporous CeO2 with specific surface area of 135m2/g, pore size ranged from 2 to 4 nm was obtained under the condition as follows: cerium acetate hydrate as starting materials, P123 as templates and the calcination temperature was 300℃. Specific surface area rise with increasing of doping content of Pr during the process of synthesize mesoporous Ce1-xPrxO2, and increasing the ability of the catalytic degradation of acid fuchsin dyeing wastewater. For acid fuchsin, synthetic products exhibited excellent catalytic degradation effect when x is 0.5, and the degradation rate could reached 100% in 250 minutes.
Key words:mesoporous;CeO2;Ce1-xPrxO2;catalytic degradation