摘 要:红河山茶属双子叶植物纲,唇形目,唇形科,生于荒地、路旁及山坡草丛中,红河大部分地区均有分布。在民间广泛被人们饮用,入口微凉,性苦、辛、寒,它具有清热解毒,避暑等功效。主要分布于热带和亚热带地区。红河山茶中含有蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物、维生素等多种有机物。它不仅是饮用的佳品,也是药用的良方,它能治疗肝火上炎、赤目肿痛、头痛、眩晕等症。
ABSTRACT:Honghe wild tea is the dicotyledonous plants; the shape just likes lip, lamium; and born in wasteland, or by the roadside and hillside bushes; most areas of Honghe have distribution. In folk , people widely use it for drinking; and it is a little cool ; it includes several nature: bitter, pungent, cold; it has many functions: make the poison gas get out of your body, avoid summer’s heat and so on. It is mainly distributed in tropical and subtropical regions. Honghe wild tea contains protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and so on many kinds of organic materials. It is not only a kind of drinking medicinal cures, it also can cure inflammation; it cures the red eye on suffered swelling pain, headache, dizziness wait for disease. Honghe wild tea can clear relief, often match chrysanthemum equate suffered with. Honghe wild tea contains a lot of organic compounds, and it can complement the content of vitamin etc of people.
Previous in Bluish dogbane tea,and Tea drinks mixed with Flower and Fruit of composite. And studied in that good results and process. This experiment on the basis of previous studies, using leaching formulation to Honghe wild tea as raw materials, add red jujube, chrysanthemum etc, and add sugar, citric acid. Makes a have a good development prospect of tea drinks. Do single factor experiment, obtains the best technological conditions: liquid materials for 1:45 than for 30min, soak mention time.
Keyword: Honghe wild tea; mixed drinks; developed