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摘要:苎麻(Boehmeria nivea)的主要化学成分包括生物碱、黄酮类、木质素、香豆素、多糖、大黄素、槲皮素、熊果酸、紫杉素、多酚、绿原酸、总酚酸、原茶儿酸、超氧化歧化酶等。近年来临床上广泛用于止血、抑菌、安胎、抗炎镇痛等方面。本文第一部分对近年来苎麻在化学成分和药理作用方面的研究进展进行了综述;第二部分主要采用植物化学方法对苎麻乙酸乙酯萃取物Fr.10-11极性段的化学成分进行研究,采用葡聚糖凝胶(Sephadex LH-20)柱层析法分离并用薄层层析法定性鉴别。结果分离得到两个化合物,经质谱鉴定为:软脂酸和油酸。



ABSTRACT:Boehmeria nivea, contained many chemical constituents, such as alkaloids, flavonoid, lignanoids, coumarin, polysaccharide, emodin, quercetin, ursolic acid, taxusin, polyphenols, chlorogenic acid, total polyphenol, protocatechuic acid, superoxide dismutase and so on. In recent years Boehmeria nivea was widely used in the hemostasis, bacteriostasis, tocolysis and anti-inflammatory. The first part of this article has summaried the development in chemical compounds and activities on Boehmeria nivea in recent years. The second part of this article was to study on the chemical constituents of ethyl acetate extraction of Boehmeria nivea, using Sephadex LX-20 chromatography column to separate and using TLC to appraisal.As a result, two compounds were isolated by column chromatography and their structure were identified by mass spectrometry, compound was hexadecanoic acid and was oleic acid.

Keywords: Boehmeria nivea; chemical constituents; activities; column chromatography;  TLC