摘 要:本文研究了高压消解三七,巯基棉富集砷及原子荧光光谱法测定的条件。高压消解三七的时间在2-6小时内,砷含量随着时间延长而增大,当消解温度在120℃-160℃期间,保持相同的消解时间,则测得的砷含量略有波动,波动范围在1.8%-6.6%之间。用巯基棉富集溶液中的微量砷时,富集率很好,但用5ml HNO3(1+1)及2.0ml HCl(3.0mol/L)在80℃下洗脱巯基棉上的砷时,却较难洗脱。在常用的仪器条件下,用原子荧光光谱仪测定溶液中的砷含量时,在0-10ug/L范围内,荧光强度与砷含量呈很好的线性关系,相关系数r=0.9978. 用AFS法测定,三七中的砷含量范围为0.95mg/kg-1.15mg/kg。
ABSTRACT:The conditions of high pressure treatment Sanqi, enrichment arsenic(As) from its dilute solution and determination of arsenic by atomic fluorescence spectrometry(AFS) was studied. During the time range of 2 hours to 6 hours for dissolve Sanqi at high pressure, arsenic content increased with time increased. During the temperature range of 120℃ to 160℃ for dissolve Sanqi at the same time, arsenic content fluctuation was range of 1.8%-6.6%. The rate of concentration arsenic from the solution by sulfhydryl cotton was very good, but eluting arsenic from sulfhydryl cotton was difficult used 5 mL HNO3 (1+1) and 2.0 mL HCl (3.0mol/L) at 80℃. At normal the instrument conditions used AFS, the fluorescence intensity changes linearly with arsenic content at range of 0-10ug/L arsenic, r=0.9978. Arsenic content in the Sanqi was at range from 0.95mg/kg to 1.15mg/kg detected by AFS.
Keywords: Sanqi, atomic fluorescence spectrometry, arsenic, sulfhydryl cotton