摘要:据《全唐诗》统计,元稹共创作建筑诗180首,诗中的建筑主要有亭台、宫殿、寺院、宅院 、池、馆驿等。其中亭诗22首、台诗30首、楼诗51首、馆居诗41首和观寺庙诗36首。诗人多次贬谪旅居他乡,心里的活动投射在接触的建筑物上。内容涉及建筑主体或周围景物的描写。包括以特定的建筑名称借代朝廷的权势,题诗在建筑上唱和回赠等等。表现怀人离情之别、望京恋阙之思、壮志难酬之悲情怀。在艺术上元稹的建筑诗具有语言简洁直白,表现手法多样,意象组合丰富等特点,从一个侧面反映了唐代建筑诗的发展状况,同时也对后人研究唐代建筑亦或诗歌有重要的参考价值。
关键词 建筑诗;元稹;意象;情思
Abstract:Accounting 180 buildings poems,the statistics from all his poems in Tang Dynasty,his architectural poetry relates to pavilions,palaces,temples,houses,pools,hotels and the other buildings.In his poems,there are pavilions(22),terraces(30),buildings(51),hotels&houses(41)and temples(36).
Because of his many times of demoting living places away from his ideal places,his mentation was bad,expressing to the images of architectures,with the develop of the Buddhism,reflected from visiting monks and temples.Additionally,these architectures described environmental places around to express how he think and feel,visiting purely,inviting friends,some indicating power .as well as his poems in the building.Most poems express bad feelings and willingness of his ideas and not achieving his willingness.
In artistic way,these poems are plain and simple in language,but the performance of poems are various techniques.With a main image combination of features like this,these poems reflect the development of buildings of the Tang Dynasty poems.what’s more,the poems are important to the further study of the Tang Dynasty in poems and it’s architecture.
Keywords Architecture YuanZhen Images Feelings