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[摘 要]丁玲是中国现代文学史上著名的女作家,半个多世纪以来,她为读者奉献了大量脍炙人口的文学作品,奠定了她在现代文学史上的重要地位。丁玲不仅是女性人格尊严的积极维护者,更是女权思想的无畏实践者,她那些散发着无穷思想和艺术魅力的女性主义文本以及她富有传奇色彩的人生探索和生命历程,对我们今天女性的文学实践、社会实践和人生追求,仍然具有积极的现实影响和无限的启迪意义。



[Abstract ] Ding Ling is the history of Chinese modern literature famous female writer, for more than half a century, she dedicates for the reader a lot of win universal praise in the literature, and laid her in the modern literature history of the important status. Ding Ling is not only a female personality dignity defender, feminism practitioner is fearless, she from those infinite ideas and artistic charm of the feminist text and her legendary life exploration and life course, for our today's female literary practice, social practice and the pursuit of life, still has a positive and practical effect and infinite significance.

[Key words] Ding Ling, literature, female personality, reverse discrimination on grounds of gender, feminist thought