[摘要] 余华是我国当代具有代表性的先锋作家,其小说《活着》、《许三观卖血记》时期后期转型之作的代表。作品中共同反映了父性的伟大光辉,与前期所表现的冷漠血腥有很大的转变,而作品中温情和苦难这一永恒主题的交相作用折射出生命的力量,悲剧与喜剧效果的穿插使用是这一时期余华的作品创作达到新的艺术高峰。
[关键词] 余华; 活着; 许三观卖血记; 生命
[Abstract] Yu Hua is a representative pioneer writer in contemporary China,his novels To be Living and Xu Sanguan Blood-selling Legend are the representative in his later transformation works. The novels commonly reflect the great and glorious Father and there are huge changes between now and negative emotion in early period, in addition,the eternal theme of suffering and warmth in the novels expresses strong vitality,and,the interaction of comedy and tragedy make his works achieve the artistic peak.
[Key words] Yu Hua; Alive; Xu Sanguan blood-selling legend; Life