[关键词]路遥 恋土情结 逃离 矛盾 成因
[Abstract] As a full bath, the son of farmers in his homeland, Yao certainly shows in the creation of rich and Winter, but in many articles of the novel the hero has to spend a lot of space in the countryside trying to escape plot, this earth with love complex seems to form a contradiction. Should be said that this conflict caused by a variety of reasons may be, the paper analyzes two major areas: First, lead author's own thoughts and experiences; Second, creative method of realism. It is precisely because of this contradiction and Winter-depth analysis and can help us work on the analysis of Lu Yao, and the combination was causing conflicts with one of the reasons the combination of the social environment, but also underscores the reality of contemporary China Yao Writing novels in depth.
[keywords] Luyao land complex escape conflicts causes