关键词:顾炎武 京杭大运河 诗歌 爱国 行旅
Abstract:Gu Yanwu, as well as Huang Zongxi, Wang Fuzhi, is known as “The Three Great Thinkers of Ming Qing Dynasty”. After the demise of the Ming Dynasty, Gu Yanwu travelled around China to participate in lots of campaigns against Qing Dynasty perversely, leaving his footprint in the northern and southern area of China. He once went north along the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, during which period he inspected the landscape and terrain, tried to protect himself from disaster and vindictiveness, visited and got connected with heroes and warriors in order to seek out a good method of recovering the Ming Dynasty. The poems, written by Gu Yanwu during this travel along the canal, reveal his true feelings and are characterize by a distinctive patriotism and a heavy sense of history.
Key words:Gu Yanwu, Jing-Hang Grand Canal, Poetry, Patriotism, Travel