摘要: 素有“歌舞之乡”之称的新疆,有着悠久的历史文化传统,歌舞艺术丰富多彩。受中、西方文化的影响,舞蹈中带有古代胡旋舞、波斯舞的神态,也有着萨满跳神的姿态,舞蹈种类繁多,风格特征也有它独特的特点。舞蹈以典雅、柔美闻名于世,微颤的动律,高超的技艺,无一不表现了维吾尔族民间舞蹈别具一格的韵味。本课题通过对维吾尔族民间舞蹈的种类和风格特征的分析,能够更加全面的了解维吾尔族舞蹈的特色,对维吾尔族舞蹈的种类和风格特征逐一加以概括和说明,从课题中鲜明的体现了新疆少数民族舞蹈文化的瑰宝,也塑造了独特的民族性格,加深了对维吾尔族这一民族的了解。
关键词 维吾尔族,民间舞蹈,种类,风格特征
ABSTRACT:Known as the "dance of the town," said Xinjiang has a long history and cultural traditions, colorful song and dance. Under the influence of Western culture, Xuanwu Hu dance with ancient Persian dance demeanor, also has a shaman Sacred gesture, a wide variety of dance styles feature has its unique characteristics. Dance with elegant, soft famous, Vibrato dynamic law, superb skills, and both the performance of Uygur folk dance unique charm. Through this project the type and characteristics of Uygur folk dance style analysis, a more comprehensive understanding of the characteristics of Uygur dance, on the type and style of dance characterized by Uighur be summarized and explained one by one, from the subject in vivid manifestation of the Xinjiang ethnic dances and cultural treasures, but also to shape a unique national character and deepened the nation's understanding of the Uighur.
Key Words: Uygur Folk dance Type Style characteristics