摘 要:汽车空调是空调技术在汽车上的应用,是空调领域的一个分支。其主要作用是向车室提供舒适的温度、湿度。随着社会经济的发展,汽车空调必将越来越普及,同时,人们对其性能的要求也越来越高,汽车空调正面临着许多新的课题。
ABSTRACT:Automobile air conditioning is the application of air conditioning technology on automobile, and it is used to offer a comfortable environment. With the development of social economy, the Automobile air conditioner will be more and more Popular, and its capacity should be improved. Today, Automobile air conditioning confronts many new problems.
This article introduces the process of automobile air conditioning system design. This design adopts vapor compression refrigeration, and refrigerant uses a new refrigerant R134a which does less harm to the atmosphere than R12; The condenser and the evaporator uses the tube and band type, and they all are very efficient. This article introduces the quality of R134a and the choose of the compressor , expansion valve and other accessories. This article also introduces the design of condenser and evaporator, and offers a calculating program with friendly interface. Finally, this article presents the control system of this automobile air conditioning system.
Keywords: Automobile air conditioning vapor compression refrigeration the tube and band type the fin-tube type