摘要:本设计是河南省C市A区污水处理厂的初步设计。设计处理废水为典型的城市污水,规模为34265m3/d。处理水质为:BOD5=200mg/L,CODcr=410mg/L,SS=200mg/L,TN=35mg/L,TP =5mg/L;设计出水水质BOD5 ≤ 10mg/L,CODcr≤ 50mg/L,SS ≤ 10 mg/L,TN ≤ 15mg/L,TP ≤ 0.5 mg/L,即要求污水处理后达到《污水综合排放标准(GB 18918-2002)》的一级标准。
关键词 城市污水;UCT;脱氮除磷
Abstract:This project is a primary design of sewage plant of drainage system design C city A District OF Henan province. The treated wastewater is typical municipal sewage.The design scale is 34265 m3/d. The primary water quality is presented as following: BOD5 = 200 mg/L,CODcr = 410 mg/L,SS = 200 mg/L,TN=35 mg/L,TP =5 mg/L;and the effluent need reach the GB 8978-1996,which is BOD5 ≤ 10mg/L,CODcr ≤ 50mg/L,SS ≤ 10 mg/L, TN ≤ 15mg/L,TP ≤ 0.5 mg/L.
According to the designing requirement and thought of looking for novelty,the content of nitrogen and phosphi is on the high side in this project,so it should be dealed with,while get rid of BOD5 and SS.We adopt and useUCT(Univerdity Of Cape Town),which is a popular wastewater treatment process in recent years.The advantage of this comprehensive craft is extensive adaptability,totally suitable for reality originally designed's purpose.Its main structures include grid,sewage pumping house,sand pool,UCT and Concentration pool etc.
In the design,it has carried on the detailed computation to each main processing construction,and plans the sewage treatment plant general layout,the sewage elevation chart.
Key words municipal sewage UCT removal the nitrogen and phosphir