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摘要:本设计的建筑为十六层的商业大厦。给排水工程设计包括了室内生活给水系统设计室内排水系统设计,室内消防给水系统设计,以及雨水系统设计。生活给水系统分为两个区。一到四层为低区,采用市政给水管网直接供水。五到十六层为高区,利用屋顶高位水箱给系统供水。本设计建筑总高度47.5 m,为商住楼,属于中危险I级,根据高层民用建筑设计防火规范,建筑高度≥24m或者体积≥5000m³,消火栓的间距应保证同层任何部位有2个消火栓的水枪充实水柱同时到达。根据规范,该建筑属于二类建筑,建筑高度<50m,室外消火栓用水量20L/s。根据规范该建筑的设计喷水强度为6L/min.m2。.排水系统采用污废合流制,排水系统采用特殊的伸顶通气单立管排水系统。给水管道采用暗装敷设,管材均采用UPVC管,采用承插式接口,用弹性密封圈连接。排水系统立管采用PPI螺旋塑料排水管。各层排水支管采用普通的UPVC排水管。根据设计资料,本建筑为高层商住楼,1~2层为商铺,3~16层为普通住宅,本设计中只考虑住宅热水供应,其他不考虑供应热水。干管、立管均采用复合塑料管。查规范,该住宅最高日用水定额取80L/人.d,使用时间为24h。

关键词  给水;排水;消防;热水


Abstract:The design of the building is sixteen story commercial building. Including the design of indoor water supply system design of indoor water supply and drainage system and drainage engineering design, the design of indoor fire water supply system, and the design of rainwater system. Life water supply system is divided into two zones. One to four layers as low area, the municipal water supply pipe network to supply water directly. Five to sixteen layers for high, use of roof water tank for water supply system. The total height of the building is 47.5 m, for commercial building, belonging to the dangerous level I, according to the code for fire protection design of tall buildings, building height greater than 24m or volume ≥ 5000m ³, fire hydrant water gun full water column spacing should be guaranteed the same layer any part of 2 fire hydrant at the same time. According to the specification, the building belongs to the two type of building, building height <50m, outdoor fire hydrant water 20L/s. According to the design specification of the building of water density is 6L/min.m2. . drainage system using sewage waste sewage system, drainage system with special ventilating single stack drainage system. Water supply pipeline with concealed laying, pipes are UPVC pipe, using the socket interface, with elastic sealing ring connection.  drainage riser with PPI spiral plastic drainage pipe. Each layer of the drainage pipes using ordinary UPVC drainage pipe. According to the design data, the construction of high-rise building, 1~2 floor is for shops, 3~16 layer for ordinary residential, this design only consider the residential hot water supply, the other does not consider the supply of hot water. Dry pipe, vertical pipe are made of composite plastic pipe. Check the specification, the maximum daily water consumption quota is 80L/.D, the use of time for 24h.

Keywords: for water  Draining off water  The fire hydrant  Hot water  Spurting voluntarily pours