摘要:本实验研究的是一种以大豆为原料加工生产的新产品—大豆咖啡, 其特点是不含咖啡因, 但具有咖啡的口感和风味, 常饮有利尿、健胃、预防高血压的作用。这种大豆咖啡的主要加工方法是通过加热翻炒,使大豆成咖啡色,粉碎。通过实验我们选用带壳的黄豆,翻炒温度和时间分别为150℃、10min,炒制过后的大豆香味浓更接近于咖啡香。对于大豆粉溶解性来说,每100g用强力粉碎机粉碎3min,过200目筛之后,豆粉质地比较细腻容易溶解。为了使其溶液更加稳定,口感更醇厚,实验中添加了1%的羧甲基纤维素钠。出于溶解度和营养成分保留的角度考虑,咖啡大豆粉的冲泡温度定为80—90℃。由于大豆粉的特有豆腥味比较重,加上色泽较淡,通过感官实验还确定添加了2.7%的可可粉,15%的咖啡香精和一定比例的植脂末。
Abstract: This kind of product is made with soybean. It is a new kind of product. It has no caffeine, but has the taste and flavor of coffee. Drinking it regularly can diuresis, promoting digestion and prevent hypertension. We heat and stir it until it become the color of coffee, and then break up it. Through the experiment, we take the soybean with shell as the raw material. Stir it at 150℃ and for 10minutes, the soybean can be nearest to the taste of coffee. The solubility of the soybean is along with the delicate degree. And the accession of additive can promote solution. Add 2.7% cocoa, 15% coffee essence and some proportion of milk essence can lessen the stench and deepen the color of coffee.
Key words:soybeans; coffee; manufacturing;