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ABSTRACT:Non material cultural heritage is an ancient memory of life, embodies the wisdom of the nation and national spirit.But it was not until 2006 that the country set up a "Cultural Heritage Day", the intangible cultural heritage is more people know, and gradually enters into people's social life, raised concerns, formed on the cognitive and social figure of a wave of publicity.Mass media in the rapidly expanding trend influence people's daily life, the intangible cultural heritage protection and heritage of a growing need for more publicity force and influence of the channels of communication, mass media publicity for its heritage is an important way of.In this paper, through the investigation of Lahu nationality non-material cultural heritage protection and heritage status, analysis of mass media in the Lahu nationality non-material cultural heritage and the function deficiency, and proposed the corresponding countermeasure and the suggestion, for the relevant departments for reference.

Key words: Mass media; Lahu:Intangible cultural heritage; Function;Defect


   在我国的一个客观现实是,“在目前的非物质文化遗产保护工作中,政府往往比民间积极,民众的主体性没有得到很好的体现,保护力量都是外加给他的。” 中国民俗学会理事长刘魁立强调,如何增强民众的主动性是个棘手的大问题。而要唤醒民众的文化自觉和文化认同,依托大众媒体加强宣传教化是重中之重。令人扼腕的是,很多地方还出现了“重申遗、轻保护”的现象,地方政府对非物质文化遗产的热度和新鲜感维持不了一时三刻,完成申遗的政绩后,就将非物质文化遗产作为摆设扔在一边,不花心思进行管理和保护,这也非常需要大众媒介的舆论监督。在澜沧县拉祜族非物质文化遗产保护与传承这一长期浩大的工程中,大众媒体任重而道远。