Summary: Since reality TV show begin, it already has a solid mass Foundation, competitive reality show Survivor is possessed of great proportion. In 2000, the United States established competitive reality show Survivor began broadcasting, only two weeks, it became America’s number one show in ratings. 58 million viewers for the crazy . 16 to 20 people from the United States in different cities, different occupations who knows nothing about each other . They will be banished to an island which is far from the modern civilization. On the island , they should survive for 39 days and vote out plays every week. This article primarily written form based on the contents of the programs for Survivor of audience’s psychology adjustment. How to attract audience attention and from Survivor to learn about TV shows on mental grasp of the importance of the audience. From these three areas to analyze Survivor and discussion its success deeply.
关键词:竞技生存类真人秀 《幸存者》 受众心理 有效把控
Key Words: Competitive reality show Survivor Audience’s psychology Effective control