【关键词】社会新闻 媒体责任 缺失 舆论导向
【Abstract】 Community news related to people’s everyday life social events,social issues,social outlook reports,including social problems,social events and social life aspects,esoecially in the social moral and ethical basis to reflect the social climate of the news-based,mediamust be in line with the principle of a real,objective,fair and impartial when reporting news,however,in today’s society news reports,the media have appeared in the problem of lack of responsibility.This arlicle from the media,media literacy and media responsibility,the media play in news reports,the performance of a positive effect on performance and lack of responsibility,to liisustrate the impact of media reports on the dirrction of public opinion,as well as how to solve these problems,and ultimately achieve the correct research purposes.
【Keywords】 Social News、 Media Responsibility、 Missing、 Direction of public opinion
在媒体竞争日趋激烈的今天,社会新闻作为争抢读者眼球的利器之一越来越受到重视。由于传播者人文精神的缺失等原因,不少社会新闻表现出人文关怀的缺失。社会新闻,最重要的就是以人为本,所以媒体必须要认清自己所肩负的社会责任。然而,目前很多媒体却越来越偏离自己本该履行的职责,不能正确定义自己的社会功能,而是一味地为了吸引公众的眼球,经常夸大,或用很多黄色新闻的字眼,来修饰新闻事件。同时由于媒体在新闻事件的变化发展中,报道内容、重点、角度等等会发生相应的变化,导致舆论导向也不断地发生变化,甚至可能导致舆论暴力。所以在社会新闻的报道中,媒体必须要准确把握自己的报道责任, 认清事实真相,拒绝跟风报道,正确引导舆论的变化发展。