关键词:失地农民 身份认同 社会适应 社会交往
Abstract:With the development of the society, under the background of the urban-rural dual structure, land expropriation deprive peasants in the land at the same time to obtain the original urban hukou, passive adaptation to urban life. On the space between urban and rural areas of grafting to the resettlement housing community of land-lost farmers and citizenship, deepened their conflicts in urban life. Land-lost farmers resettlement housing community living space of the change is no substitute for its behavior and psychological change completely, making it adapt to urban life is a long process. The author through the observation of resettlement housing community and visit, through in the interview process for land-lost farmers identity, social interaction, social adaptation and so on, to explore farmers adapt to the condition of the city, and put forward the corresponding Suggestions.
Keywords: Land-lost farmers identity Social adaptation Social interaction
随着“全球化”的不断推进, 城市化已经成为发展中国家追赶发达国家, 实现传统向现代跨越的重要目标之一。而我国又正处于城市发展的加速期,随着农村城市化进程的加快,大量的土地被征用以用来造路和翻新改造等,这更使得失地农民的数量急剧增加。失地农民由于改变了生存的环境和条件, 使得其生产工作方式、生活习惯、交往方式等方面发生了变化。这种生活方式的变化不仅影响了失地农民个人和家庭的生活秩序和生活质量,而且也影响了农村城市化健康发展的进程, 影响着社会的和谐。失地农民多半属于被动城市化, 制度身份的转变并未及时带来自我认同的转变, 其面对的文化转变具有不可抗拒性, 在城市适应与社会交往的过程中缺乏必要的心理过渡与调适,以致失地农民在城市生活中诸多不适应。随着失地农民问题范围的变大与失地农民数量的增多,促进失地农民的市民化已经刻不容缓。笔者将通过对安置房社区中失地农民的身份认同、社会交往、社会适应等方面来分析失地农民市民化的状况。