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  • 更新时间:2014-02-03
  • 论文字数:11171
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  • 课题来源:(皇家戏子)提供原创文章





Abstract:  With the development of the times more and more parents recognized the importance of learning many parents are willing to quit his job, be forced to leave one’s  hometown to accompany the child to read . To accompany the phenomenon in our country become more and more serious , has become a widespread concern a social problem. It is with the examination-oriented education system and quality education goal of ancillary problems developed. As a society, study groups in the accompanying psychological, accompanying forms, accompanying level changes have caused all disciplines researchers. This article perspective, research methods, research objects and research content is summarized in this period of social phenomena to accompanying basic situation and characteristics of research on, and from the accompanying forms, accompanying reasons, the relevant support accompanying and countermeasures etc to understand the basic situation of accompanying phenomenon.

Key words: accompanying; study group; accompanying reasons; social consequences

