关键词:东西部资源 互补互赢 政务管理 信息化
Abstract: Under the economical globalization situation, speeds up the government to manage the electronic government affairs the application and develops into an important work, The abstract informationization and the network already caused government's to manage highly effective, therefore our country will take the electronic government affairs to manage in the government the application to become the core work, How balances and causes the East-West section information and so on each resources supplementarily also to become the difficulty. This topic in the investigation foundation, analyzes the East-West section city resources through many aspects supplementarily to win mutually the situation, proposes west the impetus the government affairs informationization plan. At the same time, I believed that, the penetration East-West section city model analysis, realization East-West section information resource sharing, the balanced development, consummates Our country Government electron government affairs information platform.
Keywords: East-West section resources;Supplementary wins mutually;West government affairs Informationization