关键词:征地拆迁 社会风险 社会风险管理
ABSTRACT:Since the reform and opening, with the continuing progress and development of the social economy, China’s urbanization is also growing with the pace of the economy. Urbanization is a process that China must go through at this stage, and it is also an inevitable trend of the progress of contemporary society. However, the unreasonable demolition in urbanization has led to violence in many areas, and these events would often become potential social risks. The social risks resulted from forced demolition must be paid much attention.
The social risks caused by forced demolitions include political risks, risks harmful to social stability and risks of economic interests. The reasons that cause the common phenomenon of forced demolition include a series of subjective and objective factors. They are as follows: government policy, demand of economic development, driven by economic interests and so on. The countermeasures to solve the problem include specifying relevant laws and regulations, improving the social risk assessment mechanism, and perfecting the supervision mechanism and the unified compensation standards and so on.
Keywords: Land requisition demolition; Social risks ;Social risk management