关键词:贫困大学生 社会支持 支持体系
ABSTRACT: As a new vulnerable groups,the college student usual were viewed as a “favored" stereotype .They cried for others’ help but it doesn’t help. As a social vulnerable groups, they want others to understand and support them. Based on a large number of the existing research of social support network, My work is on the basis of case interviews. To collection of poor college students information from the aspects of the state of learning,economy,interpersonal communication,psychological conditions and personal confusion . Based on the collected data, take the micro analysis of the content of the impoverished college students' social support system , it contains the content of support, support size, support-source and the differences between practical support and susceptibility support.To analyze the social support status and problems of poor college students.I want to found the shortage of the problem of support system of the poor college students.In view of the existing problems, this study attempts to thinking about the poor college students' social support system from the perspective of social work and the superiority’s theory, these work mainly about government support and school support.
Keywords:Poor college students;Social support;Support system