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摘  要:世界文学长廊中存有一些社会地位卑微,被剥削被欺凌的小人物形象,俄国批判现实主义作家契诃夫与中国杰出的剧作家曹禺笔下的小人物栩栩如生各具特色。二者笔下的小人物形象,一方面存在社会地位低下和奴性心理突出的共同特征;另一方面,在人物气质、人物身份、角色定位等方面存在差异。契诃夫对中国文学的影响和曹禺对契诃夫小人物题材创作的吸收,是造成二者笔下小人物相似的原因。此外,社会背景、家庭环境差异是造成二者笔下小人物出现不同的重要原因。

关键词:曹禺 契诃夫 小人物 奴性 抗争性


ABSTRACT:There's some humble social status, exploited and bullying   nonentities in the world literature gallery . The Russian critical realism writer Chekhov and outstanding Chinese play writer Cao Yu both depict vivid image of nonentity. On the one hand, there is the common features of low social status and servility psychology under Chekhov and works as a worm; On the other hand, differences between the character temperament, character identity and role still exit. The similarity is connect with Chekhov's influence on Chinese literature and Cao Yu’s acceptance of it . Social background and family environment and cultural background cause the different image of nonentities.

Keywords: Chekhov; Cao Yu; image of nonentity; image;servility; struggle