关键词:养老 老龄化 服务体系
ABSTRACT:When social economy develops to a certain level, the establishment of old-age service system is the necessary arrangements and political system of modern country. And the implementation process are closely related to play to the functions of the government. Sustainability and adequacy of pension fund raising, operation, and supervision of solvency problem not only relates to its own operation, and will have an impact on a series of important areas of the redistribution of income, labor market, capital market. The trend of population aging, in recent years has accelerated due to the constant improvement of medical and declining birth rate, in this process, developing population aging speed is much higher than in developed countries, but the statistics show, China is aging rapidly developing countries, and the aging population size but also the world, urgent need to build social old-age service system perfect.
This paper introduces the construction of China's social old-age service system background and significance, analyzes the significance of social security system in other countries to china.
Finally, the paper describes the development status of our social endowment service system from the aspects of development trend, the construction of China's social old-age service system of the influencing factors and favorable conditions, also analyses some deficiencies of our current social endowment service system, one is the government responsibility is not enough; the two is the development of the imbalance between population aging speed and industry; three is the lack of private pension; four is the lack of professional talent or quality is low; the five is the rural old-age security system is not perfect. And puts forward the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions, mainly the government to provide policy guidance and supervision, and gradually develop specialized social endowment service diversification of pension service industry and development.
Keywords:Pension;Aging;Service system