摘 要:受东南沿海地区经济结构升级,劳动密集型产业向中西部地区转移等因素的影响,大量农民工返乡,返乡创业成为了解决“三农”问题的新课题。但由于政府政策支持力度不够等原因,导致农民工返乡创业遭遇融资难、人才缺失、土地资源制约等困境。本课题通过对农民工返乡创业的原因及困境进行分析,认为加大对返乡创业农民工的金融支持力度、加强农民工创业教育培训等举措意义重大。
Abstract:With the influence of the upgrading of the economic structure in the southeast of coastal areas and the transformation of the labor-intensive industries to the central and western regions, numerous migrant workers have to return to their hometowns. As a consequence, home business has become a new subject to solve the "three rural issues". But due to some reasons, like the insufficient support from the government, the project is in a plight. It is difficult to raise funds and employ talents, and the land resources are limited too. Through the analysis of the reasons and predicament that the migrant workers met in their home business, this topic offered some corresponding suggestions to support the migrant workers who have returned home to start a business, such as increasing the financial support for the returning migrant workers, strengthening the migrant entrepreneurship education and training and so on.
Key words:migrant workers;returning home to start a business;financing difficulty
;entrepreneurship training