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摘 要:近几年来,我国高校教育制度的发展和改革使得高校学生人数大量增加,大学生就业压力成为了大学生选择创业的驱动力。但大学生创业意识薄弱,综合素质不高,缺乏一定的资金和社会网络关系,再加上教育与政府扶持的不足,自主创业成功率低。分析大学生创业现状以及存在的问题,从大学生、政府、高校等角度为自主创业的大学生提供策略和建议具有重要现实意义。



Abstract:In recent years, the development and reform of higher education system of our country makes a substantial increase in the number of College students.College students' employment pressure has become the driving force of students’ choose when they start their business.But college students' entrepreneurship awareness is weak, their overall quality is not high,and they are in lack of funds and social network relationship.Education and government support are also in lack,so the success rate of independent business is very low. It is important to analyze the current situation and existing problems of college students' entrepreneurship.It provides some countermeasures to solve the problems and solutions for the independent college students from the point of view of college students, the government and universities.

Key Words:College student;Self-employed;University;Government


近几年来,我国高校教育制度的发展和改革使得高校学生人数大量增加,据人力资源和社会保障部数据显示,“2013年全国高校应届毕业生达到699万,被称为最难就业年,2014年全国高校毕业生的数量达到727万,又增加了28万,可谓更难就业年。” [3]但就业岗位增长比例远远小于毕业生增长比例,这使得就业竞争越来越激烈。在就业形势如此严峻的时代,选择自主创业不仅能解决自身的就业问题,还为其他人提供了就业机会,这对对于缓解我国就业压力具有重要的现实意义。