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摘要:在乌拉圭回合中,凯恩斯集团作为农产品出口成员方国家利益的代表在把农产品贸易的谈判列入核心议题,并最终达成《农业协定》中发挥了关键性作用,由此而成为第一个真正意义上的国家利益集团。在多哈回合中,成员集团化的趋向逐渐凸现并得到进一步强化,出现了G20、G33 和G90等众多的国家利益集团,使得许多国家用同一种声音说话,增强了谈判力量,改变了发达国家一统多边贸易体制谈判的传统格局,主要谈判议题处于几大利益集团对峙之中。对多边贸易谈判产生了长久而深远的影响。


   实证方面按着时间顺序从乌拉圭回合到多哈回合分别进行了研究。在乌拉圭回合中,着重分析了多边贸易体制中具有重要意义的国家利益集团——凯恩斯集团在农业谈判中的议题和议案,通过总结其与其他主要谈判方在政策主张上一致和分歧及其在谈判中的互动过程,借此认识到了凯恩斯集团       是农产品贸易自由化的积极推动着,在农业谈判中发挥了重要的作用,但在和美国、欧盟和日本的博弈中仍居于劣势,其在多边贸易体制中的地位有待提高。在多哈回合中,通过对WTO农业谈判成员集团化的表征分析,明确了几大发展中国家利益集团不同的利益诉求,使得更加清楚得认识到了利益集团在谈判中的博弈格局。同时结合个案分析,以巴西为例,分析了发展中大国在国家利益集团中的地位和作用。巴西是 G20的发起者和领导者,积极通过G20争取自身利益。


关键词 多边贸易体制; 国家利益集团; 发展中国家; G20


Abstract:In the Uruguay Round, the Cairns Group which is the representatives of agricultural exporting members taken the agricultural trade negotiations the of the core issues , and has played a key role on the finally reached the “Agreement on Agriculture ".and thus becoming the first truly sense of interest groups between states. In the Doha Round, the trend of WTO member collectivization gradually emerged and has been further intensified .G20, G33 G90 had been found .many countries spoke with one voice, enhanced bargaining power to change the developed countries dominated the multilateral trade system, several major interest groups have talked the main subject of negotiations This will make the long-term and far-reaching influence on the multilateral trade negotiations.

   This paper has mainly studied the interests of developing countries from the group structure in the multilateral trading system. It has made some analysis on the interest groups between states of developing countries from the perspective of economics, international politics and political economics. Then it focused on the type of interest groups of the developing countries and the influence of emergence of the interests groups of developing countries in multilateral trade regimes.

   Then, this paper studied from the Uruguay Round to the Doha Round in the time order respectively. In the Uruguay Round ,we first introduced Cairns Group’s issues and the motion in the agricultural negotiations. The Cairns Group, which is a very significative national interest groups of the the multilateral trading system. It is aware of that the Cairns Group played a positive promotion role in the agricultural trade liberalization. and it also played an important role in the agriculture negotiations ,which is  summarized from other major negotiating parties’ agreement on the policy position and differences in the negotiations and the interactive process. But the Cairns Group are still an inferior position in the game of the United States and the European Union and Japan,and its status in the multilateral trading system needs to be raised. In the Doha Round, It is clearly known that a few large developing countries and different interest groups’ interests demand through the WTO agriculture negotiations members’ collectivization characterization analysis, which made a more clearly aware of the pattern of the game of the interest groups in the negotiations. At the same time, we take Brazil case as an example, to analyse the large developing countries‘ status and role in the national interests group. Brazil is the initiator and leader of G20, and Brazil actively seek their own interests through G20.

  These research results benefits for China to make strategy on Participating in the multilateral trade system the developing nation special interest group. According to our national condition, We should do our best to seek the national interest, display the bridge role in the special interest group, but is not struggles works as the developing nation leader. 

Keywords  The multilateral trading system;interest groups between states;the developing countries; Group 20