Abstract:The focus of the research in language teaching has shifted from teacher-centered to learner-centered classroom instructions since the 1970’s. With that shift, affective factors in foreign language learning have gained much attention. With the increasing concern and research about the affective variables in foreign language learning, anxiety has been one of the hot issues discussed by linguists in the last decades. After the 1980’s, a number of studies carried out on the relationship between anxiety and second language acquisition on which the researchers got the relatively consistent opinions. In China, the study of foreign language learning anxiety began in the 1990’s, some results have also been yielded to expound the theories of affective factors and to reconfirm the effectiveness of anxiety on the foreign language learning.
Cooperative learning gained great attention in the world these years which is advocated by American educators and proved to be a creative and practical approach and strategy in classroom since the 1970’s. There is a growing researches based on the effects and effectiveness of cooperative learning. The researchers have carried out different cooperative learning activities and got the positive results. Meanwhile, some researches focusing on the alleviation effects of foreign language anxiety also proved that cooperative learning used as a classroom procedure can reduce anxiety in the classroom.
The study attempted to investigate the state of foreign language anxiety experienced by the non-English major college students in Henan Mechanical and Electrical Engineering College and the effectiveness of the cooperative learning as a classroom procedure on alleviating the sophomores non-English majors’ language anxiety and improving the academic achievements in language learning.
The subjects in this study are seventy-six sophomores at Henan Mechanical and Electrical Engineering College. The subjects were divided into experimental class and control class and participated in the twelve weeks cooperative learning experiment. The instruments of the quantitative study used in this study include the questionnaire survey ---- Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (FLCAS) and two language proficiency tests---- Practical English Test for Colleges. Data analyses were carried out by using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences software,16.0 version (SPSS16.0). The qualitative study is based on the interviews of 10 subjects for the pre-interview and 6 for the post-interview.
The results of quantitative and qualitative studies indicate that the students at Henan Mechanical and Electrical Engineering College experience foreign language anxiety. The results also revealed that the subjects’ language anxiety in the experimental class has been reduced and English proficiency has been significant improved but there are no significant changes in these two points of subjects from control class after the twelve-week teaching experiment.
This thesis is divided into 5 chapters: introduction, literature review, research design, results and discussion, and conclusion.
KEY WORDS: Cooperative learning, Foreign language anxiety, English proficiency
本文的研究对象为河南机电高等专科学校76名二年级非英语专业大学生。受试者被分成实验班和控制班,参加了为期十二周的合作学习教学实验。定量研究工具为外语学习焦虑量表(Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale)和两次高等学校英语应用能力考试(Practical English Test for Colleges)成绩。研究结果被输入社会科学统计软件包16.0版本(SPSS 16.0)进行分析。在定性研究中,10名学生参加了实验前访谈,6名学生参加了实验后访谈。