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摘要:1937年的南京保卫战(又称南京战役)距今已经过去76年,自上世纪90年代对南京大屠杀史研究的深入和南京保卫战史兴起以来,史学研究者一直没有对南京保卫战中首都卫戍军司令唐生智形成较为一致的看法, 对他的评价始终褒贬不一。[1]本文希望通过对战后国内外学者的研究专著、南京保卫战亲历者的回忆录和近年来国内对南京大屠杀史的最新研究成果进行收集整合, 从战略和战术两个层面,把唐生智和蒋介石之间“双向互动、相互影响”的关系对决策、准备和指挥南京保卫战时的影响作为主线,重新审视分析南京保卫战失利的原因, 力求较为客观地评价唐生智在南京保卫战里的功过。

关键词:南京保卫战;  战术;  战略;  失误;  唐生智;  功过


Abstract:The 1937 battle of defending Nanking (also known as the battle of Nanjing) has been in the past 75 years, and historians evaluation and attitudes towards general Tang Sheng-chih, the commander of the the Capital Garrison Forces, are mixed. since the rise of The Nanking Massacre History Research, through this research monograph, on the domestic and foreign scholars work ,the memoirs from the battle eyewitness and the latest research results about the Nanking massacre,  we hope that collecting and using the relationship between two levels of strategy and tactics and the relationship between Tang Sheng-chih and Chiang kai-shek in the decision-making and implementation of the "two-way interaction, mutual influence" on influence of the battle of Nanking Massacre as the main line, to re-examine the analysis of the causes  to defend Nanking, to evaluate general Tang Sheng-chih  in the battle of Nanjing objectively.

Key words The battle of  Nanking   Strategy  Tactics  Tang Sheng-chih   Evaluation