关键词:好莱坞电影; 中国观众; 数字技术
Abstract:Although Chinese people and American people hold totally different values, with the help of movies these two counties people sit together. In recent years Chinese movie has made a tremendous improvement. Yet as the world leader of the film industry Hollywood movies make Chinese audience deeply involve in its development. There is a large number of population in China, and also a big figure of movie customer, so to appeal to Chinese audience, Hollywood movies start to add Chinese elements. The cultural invasion of Hollywood really scared a lot of Chinese people who are worried about Chinese movies. However, comparing with Hollywood movies, Chinese movies are more inflexible and machinery, without outstanding innovation, technology and contents. Learning more about Hollywood movies, we will win the competition by the way of learning from other’s strong points to offset one’s weakness. Only by the two ways can we catch up with others, knowing more about both Chinese and American movies and making a conclusion about the reason why we lose to Holly. Meanwhile, we should profoundly realize the cultural invasion of Hollywood and try to protect our special national culture.
Key words: Hollywood movies;Chinese audience;Digital technology