关键词:幽默; 幽默感; 语言艺术; 文化差异
Abstract:Humour,language art,is considered as an indispensable form of communication in our daily life as well. "Good humour may be said to be one of the best articles of dress one can wear in society." the English novelist William Makepiece Thackery said.(Dan Waters.1998) The booming of the world culture gave rise to a different sense of humour culture. Although the world is becoming more of a global village nowadays,humour may not be able to be understood by everybody because of cultural differences, different cultural backgrounds, customs and other factors, let alone to be comprehended its inherent wisdom. Then again, what makes an Englishman laugh may not have the same effect on a Chinese. Today,with frequent exchanges of culture, how to promote cultural diversity ,across cultural barriers becomes more and more essential for people,to get to know and understand the humour in different countries therefore people could achieve successful communication.
Key words: Humour; Sense of humour; Language art; Cultural difference