关键词:农村小学 寄宿生管理 存在问题 原因分析 对策研究
ABSTRACT:The rural school due to the geographical environment, economic condition, school adjustment, removal and merger, left-behind children to the influence of the majority, the numerous school student accommodation, to you of the management problems has become a hot topic in the field of education. The establishment of the boarding school, for the integration of resources, improve managerial condition creating good conditions, to raise pupil live independently, provide space. However, implementation of the good balanced education thought, realize the education of boarding school optimize resource integration, ensure that the rural boarding school construction management of scientific and efficient, do people's satisfaction of the education, still faces many problems and challenges. This article through to the countryside elementary school in the management of you and the analysis of existing problems, find the countryside elementary school of management work for you is not optimistic, there exist many problems, and put forward some relevant countermeasures so, for you create growth of rural primary school of warm home
Key words: the countryside elementary school;You management; Existing Problems;analysis of cause;Countermeasures study
“百年大计,教育为本。教育是民族振兴、社会进步的基石,是提高国民素质、促进人的全面发展的根本途径,寄托着亿万家庭对美好生活的期盼,强国必先强教。”目前,农村的发展大大制约着中国经济、社会等多方面的发展。因此,要发展农村地区就必须先提高农村地区学生的受教育水平。农村寄宿制工程已经为提高农村地区学生的受教育水平迈出了重要且坚实的一步 ,它的实行极大地缓解了我国落后地区农村贫困家庭子女的义务教育阶段上学难的问题,对实现教育公平和解决留守儿童教育问题有着积极意义。然而,管理是一门科学,对农村学校寄宿生的管理更具有其独特的要求,只有不断总结和探索才能不断完善。所以,要做好寄宿生管理工作,教师既要有高度的责任感,又要对学生充满爱心,给他们更多父母般的爱,这样才能使这项工作尽善尽美。