[摘 要]书法是我国传统文化艺术的标志,是民族文化的精髓。写字是书法实用性的表达,而书法则是写字艺术性的表达,写字为书法充当了由实用美向艺术美过渡的桥梁。通过写字教育,能够提高书写水平,开启学生的心智,陶冶学生的情操,净化学生的心灵。日益繁忙的学习和激烈的竞争给学生带来了诸多的烦恼,导致其神经紧张,甚至出现情感压抑。这种痛苦的情感长期得不到释放和宣泄,就会损害学生的心理健康。但是长期以来,小学写字教育忽视了对学生情感的培养,无形中失去了一个让学生抒发情感的绝佳途径。本文针对这一现实,分析小学写字教育中忽视情感教育的原因,探讨小学写字教育过程中渗透对小学生情感培养的基本策略,使得学生的写字学习过程变得富有兴趣并伴有情感的抒发,在潜移默化中影响小学生,使他们在写字和情感上得到共同得提升。
[关键字]小学生; 情感; 渗透; 写字教育
[Abstract] Calligraphy is the symbol of Chinese traditional culture and the essence of national culture. Writing is the expression of calligraphy' practicability, while calligraphy is the expression of writing' artistry, by which writing plays as a transition bridge between artistic beauty and practical beauty for calligraphy. Through the education of writing, helping students raise the level of writing,open pupils’ wisdom, cultivate pupils’ temperament, and purify pupils' heart. However, increasingly busy learning and fierce competition brought many troubles, which leads to students' tension, even the depression. If the painful emotion can’t be released or let out, it will damage students' psychological health. But for a long time, students' emotion is ignored training in writing education of primary school .It leads to lose an excellent way to give the students to express feelings virtually. This article in view of this reality, analyzing the cause of ignoring the emotion education in writing education of primary school and Discussing the basic strategy of infiltrating the developing of emotion to the students in the process of writing education to turn students’ process of learning to be interesting and be accompanied by the rich emotional expression. That it’s in the influence character by environment in pupils, puts them be common upgrade in writing and emotion.
[Keywords] primary school boy ;Emotion ;Penetrate ;Writing education