摘 要:图形与几何是小学数学教学内容的重要组成部分,是帮助学生生存并促进其发展的重要基础,它有利于培养学生的创新意识和发展其空间观念。图形与几何是小学数学教学内容的四大知识领域之一,而它又分为图形的认识、测量、图形与位置、图形的运动四个部分。本文旨在于比较使用面比较广的人教版和北师大版这两种教材的图形与几何的编排,通过两版本的编排体系、呈现方式、编写风格、习题编制等方面的编排进行比较,并依据《全日制义务教育数学课程标准》(修订稿)要求提出相应的建议,为新课程的实施及小学数学教材的编排,还有为从事小学数学教育的教师提供理论依据与参考。
ABSTRACT:Graphs and Geometry is an important part of the elementary school mathematics teaching content, is to help students to survive and an important foundation to promote the development, it is advantageous to develop students' awareness of innovation and the development of the concept of space. Graphs and Geometry is one of the four areas of knowledge of elementary school mathematics teaching content, and it is divided into the understanding of the graphics, measurement, graphics and location, graphics sports four parts. This article aims to compare the use of broad noodle PEP and Beijing Normal University, both teaching graphics and geometric arrangement of the two versions of the scheduling system, presentation, writing style, exercises such as the preparation of the choreography for comparison, and make recommendations accordingly, based on "full-time compulsory education mathematics curriculum standards "(revised) requires to provide a theoretical basis and reference for the implementation of the new curriculum and the arrangement of the elementary school mathematics textbooks, are engaged in the education of elementary school mathematics teachers.
Keywords: elementary school mathematics textbooks; PEP; Beijing Normal University; graphics and geometry; choreography Compare